158 ERYSIPHLAS [VOL.V the tablets being crushed and given in milk. The efleet on the tempera- ture Is seen within 48 hours and the treatment should be continued for a few days after the disappearance of the rash. The administration of substances containing sulphur to patients receiving prontosil may result in sulphaemoglobinaemia, and is therefore contra-indicated. Isolation and Erysipelas is notifiable, and cases should be segregated. When occurring notification .^ a hospital war(j |jic case should he isolated, and special nursing arrangements should be made, so that contact cases are prevented, REFERENCES Goldsmith, W. N. (1936) Recent Advances in Dermatology, London. Hoync, A, L. (1935) MctL tor., AUr,, 141, 132. Russell, W. T. (1933) ,/. Hyg., Cnmb., 33, 421, Symmcrs, D., and Lewis, K. M. (1932) J. Amw. twtl AYA\, 99, 1082. —. — (1934) Mcd. Clin. N. Amcr., 18, 861. Thomson, M, S. (1929) Brit. J. Demi, 41, 417. Udc, W. H., and Plalou, II S, (1930)./. Amw. metf. /lv,v., 95, I.